Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Pastiche- able

What’s in a name?
Why Pastiche-able?

Pastiche literally means an imitation, otherwise commonly known as a copy-cat. And 'able' simply means we are able to imitate others. But that all depends on how we perceive art. In the human world I am original. Here on social media we are universal and spiritually connected.
With that on my mind, let me in my words explain what is in a name. In a human world, we are able to create ART as an original of our inner thoughts and feelings. What we create is a fingerprint of ourselves. Unique and all with different strokes. Original within us humans.
Our universe is one, and we are spiritually connected. Therefore we have to perceive art in a spiritual world. If that is how we perceive ART then we are all merely imitations. And there is only one masterpiece, JESUS. Beautifully framed by the wonderful perception of GOD.
We are born in this world without knowledge. From the first word we utter to this moment, whatever we say and do has been learned from someone, 9somewhere. A mother or a father, a brother or a sister, a teacher or a leader. All we say and do is an art learned and applied differently. Then are we not all imitations? Spiritually YES. We transform brushes to pens, paints to ink & canvas to paper, we try our best to paint a picture as best as the masterpiece. We can come as close as we get but can never be the masterpiece. Just an imitation.
On a global platform, I am another artist here to display my art, and yes, I am ‘PASTICHE’ and ‘ABLE’ to create my own art. I will try to paint the best picture I can but will never be a Masterpiece.

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