Saturday, December 7, 2013


She was called an idiot for a long time. Probably that was the reason for her to get herself transformed. Real life stories. She’d been through many makeovers and handled by many hands that over the years have worked hard to get her a figure so beautiful that every household will want to own her. Through all times good and bad she will stay with you even when you stick her up against the wall. She lost weight to look as slim as she can get, improved on shaping her curves and her pixilated skin now blushed to shun the glare so we could get a better view through her.

We all love to have her and somehow we will. Cause we know with her openess she will bridge the gap between east and west, north and south. She can bring you the colors of the rainbow or make you go color blind. She can take you places you have never seen, she will teach you , educate you, inspire you or fire you. She can show you heaven or hell.

Though we don’t give her a second thought she leaves the decision to you. And you don’t have to ask her when you want to touch her. She can make you sing and dance, make you cry or shed a tear of joy. She is there for your pleasure. And therefore you must enjoy her.

Did I say you don’t have to ask her when you want to touch her? Yes, not when she is your television. But are we watching the right stuff?
If you are looking for inspiration, then get  

     DAYSTAR TV – Experience it.  

If you do, you will find there is something for everyone and inspiration for all. You would surely have had a good experience. If you did then……….                                                                      TELL A FRIEND                                                                  *SPEND TIME WITH THE FAMILY                          ......................AND GET INSPIRED*

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Pastiche- able

What’s in a name?
Why Pastiche-able?

Pastiche literally means an imitation, otherwise commonly known as a copy-cat. And 'able' simply means we are able to imitate others. But that all depends on how we perceive art. In the human world I am original. Here on social media we are universal and spiritually connected.
With that on my mind, let me in my words explain what is in a name. In a human world, we are able to create ART as an original of our inner thoughts and feelings. What we create is a fingerprint of ourselves. Unique and all with different strokes. Original within us humans.
Our universe is one, and we are spiritually connected. Therefore we have to perceive art in a spiritual world. If that is how we perceive ART then we are all merely imitations. And there is only one masterpiece, JESUS. Beautifully framed by the wonderful perception of GOD.
We are born in this world without knowledge. From the first word we utter to this moment, whatever we say and do has been learned from someone, 9somewhere. A mother or a father, a brother or a sister, a teacher or a leader. All we say and do is an art learned and applied differently. Then are we not all imitations? Spiritually YES. We transform brushes to pens, paints to ink & canvas to paper, we try our best to paint a picture as best as the masterpiece. We can come as close as we get but can never be the masterpiece. Just an imitation.
On a global platform, I am another artist here to display my art, and yes, I am ‘PASTICHE’ and ‘ABLE’ to create my own art. I will try to paint the best picture I can but will never be a Masterpiece.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Filling the pangs of hunger

Filling the pangs of hunger – National Food Security Bill of India

The National Food Security Bill -  an  applause for an initiative by the Government that would appease the masses. But at what and whose cost? 

Like a dove with an olive branch to the sparrows in the distance the flight path is turbulent and beneath are landscapes with flocks of vultures waiting not in hunger but greed. Will the dove cover the distance safely, by the people, for the people, to the people.

BY THE PEOPLE : The Government must be praised for an initiative to fill the pangs of hunger  but cost must not be a slap on the face for the innocent and uneducated. (IR 64) that costs Rs 26/kilo will sell for Rs 3/kilo. What may start with a ripple of excitement may soon turn to a force of a tsunami.  A political stance that  carefully  needs to be considered  for future stability of any Government that is dedicated to serve the people by the oath.  A major obstacle that  must be eradicated with a stringent system  to avoid the proliferation of corruption   between initiative and acceptance.

FOR THE PEOPLE :  As much as the excitement by the people for the low price is welcome they must be educated  on the importance of the initiative and consequences of misuse. With street view experience there is a capacity where misuse in reselling to gullible traders is a possibility for personal gain at the expense of flaws or loop holes in accountable   governing.  Nothing can be sold below the cost price that won’t lead to a deficit spending in a long term which will eventually lead to inflation in other commodities.  To avoid manipulation of the bill another Rs 2 added for cost towards security will not cause  much to worry for putting a bill permanently in place.  Pressure on the government is soon passed on to the people by way of another election.

TO THE PEOPLE  : The people must take responsibility to not misuse the bill of the Government. In other words, the Government must label in several languages with rules for who is entitled, quantity  entitled to an individual and the consequences of misuse. Packing must be secure and tamper-proof. And whoever involved in corruption must be held responsible.

The above statement is not intended against any political party or person  but rather views and  experiences of a common man that has been through the grinding machine similar to what turns wheat to flour with an agonizing groan of a street side vending machine.

Value of Education ~ To sow a green seed

Value of Education ~ To sow a green seed.

If sustainable development is the spearhead of future living then why not bury the green seed in the soil of our future earthlings. And where else do we find the best soil if not in our Nurseries, Schools & Colleges.

For a young mind to flourish with thoughts of development the classrooms must be more than concrete blocks and blackboards.

With the advancement in technology to an extent that could swell your brain to an explosion of ideas, then the ideas should be planted in a place where growth is sure to be productive for the future. Nurseries, Schools & Colleges must be turned to green buildings where the children would not just learn, but live the experience and embed in them the knowledge and importance of their surroundings.

 With the children as a focal point, the importance of green living will  fall  a responsibility with them to carry the education to the future. With the young brains as the eye of the storm, peace and calm will remain at the core but the ideas will circle around them.  Day after day.   A productive today for a green solution tomorrow.

From the  bathrooms to classrooms, from the offices to the play grounds.  One room at a time remodeled, one idea at a time educated & one green application for sustainability.  A small child looking to make a big difference. Not too big a price to pay for a green world, if that is what we want.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Ten Commandments - a marinade for the living flesh

My preview is about the recipe of a heavenly steak and the product is YOU. Get marinated for a life filled with peace & love shared with joy & happiness. For that is the only meal we will all be craving for.

Making a perfect steak has never been easy. The ingredients are simple but the procedure to cook it needs special care and knowledge. You need the best quality of the meat, attention to the cooking time, how long to marinate the meat and skills to tickle the palate. Like waiting for the pores to open and absorb the marinade so you get that scrumptious taste in every bite. Maintaining the temperature to the right degree and very important to know when it is perfectly cooked. And finally presented with the hope and pride a delicious meal to be complimented.

Now most of you must have seen that steak made at Hell’s Kitchen. Fine, now that we do not use the fat from the meat for a steak, I'll chew the fat instead to give you a preview of a steak from the Heavenly Kitchen. And by the way I am not a Master chef from Hell’s Kitchen or a Pastor chef from the Heavenly Kitchen.

The ingredients are simple, just ten of them, all in one pack called the commandments. And just as any other steak a single ingredient missing does not make a perfect steak. Likewise here too you need all of them. The recipe is easy but getting done needs one to be seasoned well. Unlike the complication in cooking a steak at Hell’s Kitchen, here it is different. As I said the ingredients or commandments are important and the right ingredients mixed together will enter the pores of the living flesh. The marinade interacts and self produces heat through a citric reaction that slowly cooks you to a living steak. The perfect steak from the Heavenly Kitchen described on the menu as ‘God’s Child’ – a beautiful soul marinated by the best ingredients to naturally produce a succulent product filled with peace and love for all humanity . The only scrumptious meal you can serve God is a well seasoned soul.

Just like Hell’s Kitchen you have a lot of failures but the contestants strive hard to get to the top. Not all of them do, but the attempt pays off. They are still certified from Hell’s Kitchen, a great pride for the contestants. Likewise, you don’t have to be a Pastor Chef in The Heavenly Kitchen, not all of us will be. But the attempt will still get you a place in The Heavenly Kitchen. And you will be a certified participant, with pride for a lifetime.

As we all learn from the experts, so do I. Many attempts have I made, many times burnt my fingers, and still struggling to get the ingredients right. But I will keep trying because I know as a fact that Jesus is so hungry for a perfect steak. As you expect a compliment from the Heavenly Father to be the perfect steak, you must remember that Jesus does not expect you to be a chef of the Heavenly Kitchen but just take part in the cooking. 
Last but not least don’t forget your grace before the meal….. just say-

“ Jesus, I am not the best cook in your kitchen and  I cannot afford the best quality of products for your recipe. But I tried hard to follow the procedures and failed many times. If my meal I present to you is not good enough, then I ask you to be my Chef for guidance. I ask you this through God, your Father”


Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Timeline

The Timeline

There is a thin red line with a striking difference between the exodus of Syrian people seeking for divine peace and an enigmatic government with alibis & allegations throwing the dice on the face of the clock. 

Though the Syrian government has accepted  the agreement of the  Chemical  Weapons  Convention  which is a welcoming respite, yet more important is that the killing of innocent people have to stop between the time frame. Before the hands of the clock come together and strike on the hour of the given timeline I think the Arab League must come to find a solution not only for Syria but the whole Middle East in order to further progress for a better world.

Destruction has consumed millions of dollars in looking after refugees and rebuilding infrastructure. War in any  one  region  will affect the whole Middle East region.  While the world puts their focus on economy revival, conserving ecology and sustainable development, here in the Middle East war seems to be putting a strain on the economy, reconstruction of infrastructure, restricts tourism growth  and blurs the focus on future development.

On  a global scale friendly relations with the world is not a choice but a requirement. Peace is the only way to progressive development. And the arabic community must remember when we say ‘Assalamaleikum’  several time a day it means ‘Peace be with you’. So be it.